Voices from the Past Echoed by Young People Today Generating Action for the Future
Celebrating the lives of long-dead African explorers has rather gone out of fashion these days, as our view of imperialism is not one of...
Throughout 2025 we will update you with reports and news on events and activities which will mark out the year. We`ll update you on fundraising achieved, as we go along. There be testimonials that we`ll want to share and feedback on the Education Outreach to share with you too. Ezekiel`s visit will be a highlight.
We start with a sold-out Burns Supper in Belper on 25th January - how much support will this generate, do you think?
January: the Burns Supper went exceptionally well, and everyone attending had a great event.
Fundraising exceeded all expectations and with donations still coming in, watch this space to hear more . . .
The board meeting which is always held as close as possible to Joseph Thomson`s birthday on 14th February, took place in Sundial Cottage, Penpont on 13th. Great turnout of trustees from far and wide. Big agenda, with plenty of positive planning for action in #JT130. Events, promotion, fundraising for MGE, amd lots more. Also a visit to Joseph`s grave following the meeting. Watch this space for more . . .
#JT130, aka 2025, has got off to a cracking start following the very productive board meeting and that fabulous Burns Supper in Belper. The recently created bespoke Powerpoint was given its first public outing at the Penpont Friendship Club on 20th February. Treasurer Maureen Halket provided her eager audience with a new journey into the living heritage which Maasai Girls Education Project demonstrates so well. After the slides and talk, plenty of questions followed, showing that the members of the local club had appreciated the talk - giving a new-take on things.
Maureen was duly thanked for her lively colourful presentation, and a generous donation for our Maasai Girls Education Project was gladly received.
Oh, and we got a QR code specifically for this website.
So what`s next for #JT130?
Library Photo
Celebrating the lives of long-dead African explorers has rather gone out of fashion these days, as our view of imperialism is not one of...
It's hard for us to imagine girls and young women being sentenced to silence, with no public avenue for communication. But that’s exactly...
It must have been the way he said it that lit the spark. When Ezekiel Katato, Maasai Elder from Kajiado in Kenya was visiting Scotland a...